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Happy Holidays from PPEC and thank you for your support in 2021!

Greetings from the Paper and Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council! Thank you for supporting PPEC and our mission to promote the Canadian paper-based packaging industry’s environmental sustainability story. Some of the highlights of our work over the past year include: The release of PPEC’s exclusive 2020 Recycled Content Survey, which shows the average recycled content used to

Happy Holidays from PPEC and thank you for your support in 2021! Read More »

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Survey Says: Recycled Content a Key Component to Paper Packaging’s Circular Economy

Most boxes and cartons manufactured in Canada are made of recycled content – from old boxes and other used paper material collected from the back of factories, supermarkets, office buildings, and residential Blue Box recycling programs. And there has been a significant increase in average recycled content for paper-based packaging over the years, up from

Survey Says: Recycled Content a Key Component to Paper Packaging’s Circular Economy Read More »

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Près de 80 000 tonnes de plastique de plus dans les foyers de l’Ontario qu’il y a 10 ans

Une analyse des données des 10 dernières années sur les matières recueillies dans les boîtes bleues par les ménages de l’Ontario révèle une augmentation de 34 % de la quantité d’emballages en plastique qui se retrouve dans les maisons. Et la plupart de ces emballages (70 %) n’ont pas été envoyés au recyclage.  La principale augmentation concerne la catégorie fourre-tout des « autres » plastiques, comme les contenants

Près de 80 000 tonnes de plastique de plus dans les foyers de l’Ontario qu’il y a 10 ans Read More »

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Blue Box Recycling: who\’s performing and who\’s not

Report card time! We’ve graded the 22 different material categories used by Ontario’s Blue Box system according to their most recent (2018) “sent for recycling” numbers. We’ve also looked back to see how much printed paper and packaging was sent for recycling in 2003 to discern any improvements or otherwise. It was in 2003 that

Blue Box Recycling: who\’s performing and who\’s not Read More »

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The ‘worst performers’ in waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta

Three provinces lag significantly behind the others in solid waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. And what’s worse, their low diversion rates (ranging from between 16 and 18%) have not changed much over the last eight years, according to the latest data from Statistics Canada. The data measures the disposal and diversion of

The ‘worst performers’ in waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta Read More »

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Les cibles de l’économie circulaire doivent tenir compte du contenu en matières recyclées

Le ministère ontarien de l’Environnement et de l’Action en matière de changement climatique (MEACC) se penche actuellement sur ce qu’il appelle les objectifs spécifiques de « gestion » des matières recueillies dans les boîtes bleues, comme le papier, le plastique, le verre, l’acier et l\’aluminium. Le ministère a déjà indiqué qu’il souhaite voir le taux collectif de

Les cibles de l’économie circulaire doivent tenir compte du contenu en matières recyclées Read More »

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