Author name: John Mullinder

Executive Director Paper & Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council (PPEC)

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Brand owners sucked in by Canopy’s embarrassing boo-boos

Le groupe environnemental Canopée, qui est basé à Vancouver, a lancé une campagne mondiale contre les emballages de papier et de carton, affirmant que trois milliards d\’arbres « disparaissent sous forme d’emballages » chaque année, l’industrie laissant « sur son passage des forêts dépeuplées, des systèmes forestiers dégradés, des espèces menacées et un climat de plus en plus […]

Brand owners sucked in by Canopy’s embarrassing boo-boos Read More »

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Ontario Blue Box recovery rate barely above 60% provincial target

The recovery rate of Ontario’s residential Blue Box system has slipped again, to its lowest level since 2005. According to Stewardship Ontario, the 2018 recovery rate was 60.2%, just barely above the mandated provincial target. Almost three-quarters of what’s currently being recovered is paper of one kind or another, the same as it was back

Ontario Blue Box recovery rate barely above 60% provincial target Read More »

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Brand owners sucked in by Canopy’s embarrassing boo-boos

Vancouver-based environmental group, Canopy, has launched a global campaign against paper packaging, claiming that three billion trees “disappear into packaging’’ every year leaving “a trail of deforestation, degraded forest systems, threatened species, and an increasingly volatile climate.” Strong words. But are they true? Not as far as Canada is concerned (and probably the US too).

Brand owners sucked in by Canopy’s embarrassing boo-boos Read More »


La déforestation au Canada : remettons les pendules à l’heure

Il ne fait aucun doute que la déforestation est un grave problème mondial ayant des répercussions sur les changements climatiques. Les immenses incendies en Amazonie et en Indonésie n’en sont que les exemples les plus récents. En revanche, beaucoup d\’informations erronées circulent au sujet de la déforestation ainsi que sur les endroits où elle se

La déforestation au Canada : remettons les pendules à l’heure Read More »

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Setting the record straight on deforestation in Canada

There’s no question that deforestation is a serious global issue with climate change consequences. The massive fires in the Amazon and Indonesia are just the most recent examples. But there’s also a lot of misinformation about deforestation, about where it’s occurring, and what its major causes are. For starters, simply cutting down a tree is

Setting the record straight on deforestation in Canada Read More »


La plupart des cartons d’emballage canadiens contiennent maintenant 100 % de matières recyclées

La plupart des matériaux d’emballage de papier et de carton fabriqués aujourd’hui par les usines canadiennes contiennent 100 % de matières recyclées. On ramasse les vieilles boîtes et les caisses de carton ondulé à l\’arrière des usines et des supermarchés, le papier usagé est récupéré dans les bureaux et une vaste gamme de documents en papier sont

La plupart des cartons d’emballage canadiens contiennent maintenant 100 % de matières recyclées Read More »

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Press Release – Most Canadian packaging board now 100% recycled content

Most of the paper packaging material made by Canadian mills today is 100% recycled content. Old corrugated boxes and cartons are collected from the back of factories and supermarkets; used paper from offices; and a wide range of paper material gathered and sorted from residential (Blue Box) programs across the country. It wasn’t always the

Press Release – Most Canadian packaging board now 100% recycled content Read More »


Que signifie réellement « 100 % réutilisables et recyclables, ou récupérables là où des solutions de rechange viables ne seront pas en place »?

Ce sont les termes utilisés dans la Charte sur les plastiques dans les océans que le Canada a signée avec les autres pays du G7, à l\’exception du Japon et des États-Unis. Mais qu\’est-ce qu\’ils signifient au juste?   D\’abord le 100 %. Ça veut dire tout, n\’est-ce pas? Tout. Il n\’y aura donc pas de

Que signifie réellement « 100 % réutilisables et recyclables, ou récupérables là où des solutions de rechange viables ne seront pas en place »? Read More »

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What does “100% reusable, recyclable, or, where viable alternatives do not exist, recoverable” actually mean?

These are the words in the Ocean Plastics Charter that Canada signed along with other G7 countries except Japan and the US. But what do they actually mean? First the 100%. That means all, right? Everything. So, there will be no plastic waste then? Or does the 100% only refer to the re-usable part? 100%

What does “100% reusable, recyclable, or, where viable alternatives do not exist, recoverable” actually mean? Read More »


Climate change demands that our focus should be on improving paper and organics recovery, not fiddling around with plastic straws

Yes, plastic litter (any litter for that matter) and marine pollution is terrible, and we need to have a long hard look at our consumption habits and to reduce our use of fossil fuels. But when we are warned by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that we have only 12 years for

Climate change demands that our focus should be on improving paper and organics recovery, not fiddling around with plastic straws Read More »

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