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Upstream misses the boat

There’s no question that the folks at the US-based environmental group, Upstream, have their hearts in the right place. We just wish they would get all of their facts straight. The group recently launched a wide-ranging campaign against packaging waste, including a section on what it calls paper-based “consumer” packaging. Upstream defines this as pretty

Upstream misses the boat Read More »


Great news on the corrugated life cycle front

The average US corrugated box has registered significant environmental improvements over a four-year period, according to a life cycle analysis released today. Global warming results were 32% lower than recorded in a similar study undertaken in 2006, mainly because more old corrugated containers (OCC) were diverted from landfill (recovery increasing from 72% to 85%). Also

Great news on the corrugated life cycle front Read More »

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What do a cathedral, furniture, and a bicycle have in common?

Corrugated, of course. The gothic stone cathedral that was the centrepiece of Christchurch, New Zealand, was badly damaged in a 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and has temporarily been replaced with a corrugated  alternative. The triangular prism shape of the 700-capacity cathedral was fashioned around 98 interlocking corrugated tubes set on a concrete base. Japanese

What do a cathedral, furniture, and a bicycle have in common? Read More »


CCME’s false claims perpetuate packaging myths

We were recently invited by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) to comment on various aspects of extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs that have been, or are being introduced across the country. In the course of preparing our response, we re-read CCME’s Canada-Wide Strategy for Sustainable Packaging. While we have no problems

CCME’s false claims perpetuate packaging myths Read More »

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News Flash! Over 70% of packaging is being re-used or recycled, most of it by industry

You hear it all the time from provincial and municipal politicians. “Industry” is dragging the chain on waste diversion, lagging way behind municipal efforts. This politically charged claim may be true for some waste streams, we don’t know. But there’s strong evidence that it’s certainly not true when it comes to packaging. Packaging is one

News Flash! Over 70% of packaging is being re-used or recycled, most of it by industry Read More »

Packaging Generation MOE vs PPEC1

There’s something fishy about Ontario’s packaging numbers

There’s a pie-chart in the Ontario Ministry of Environment’s Waste Reduction Strategy document that’s been bugging us for several months now, and although we’ve tried to get an explanation from the MOE both verbally and in writing, we have received nothing to date[1].       The pie-chart is titled “Ontario’s Waste Stream” and claims that

There’s something fishy about Ontario’s packaging numbers Read More »

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