Author name: John Mullinder

Executive Director Paper & Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council (PPEC)

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Environmental facts and fiction: what’s the real story?

Put a retailer, a brandowner, a sustainability expert, and an environmental advocate in the same room together and what do you get?  PPEC’s workshop on November 7, that’s what. The paper packaging industry’s annual fall environmental event will include a wide range of speakers on a variety of subjects: Bob Chant, Senior Vice President, Corporate

Environmental facts and fiction: what’s the real story? Read More »

H.T. DENARD Obituary Toronto ON Toronto Star

Industry veteran compiled PPEC’s early recycled content reports

It was a one-paragraph obituary near the bottom of the page. H.T. “Telford” Denard had passed away. Cremation had already taken place, and no formal services would be held “as per his wishes.” This was so Telf, as we called him. A quiet, self-effacing man, he’d gone and died on us; been cremated; not even

Industry veteran compiled PPEC’s early recycled content reports Read More »

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Pourquoi ne pas créer un groupe de travail national sur les déchets?

Les déchets de plastique sont peut-être la saveur du mois (littéralement), mais les enjeux sont beaucoup plus vastes que ce qui se retrouve dans nos rivières, nos lacs, nos océans et nos estomacs. Les vrais enjeux sont nos habitudes de consommation et notre utilisation des ressources naturelles ainsi que leur impact sur les changements climatiques.

Pourquoi ne pas créer un groupe de travail national sur les déchets? Read More »

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Fighting media ignorance (battle # 5,041)

Yes, we know that packaging is evil and that it should be legislated out of existence. But sometimes those ignorant throw-away lines about packaging waste really do rankle and must be corrected. Case in point: a recent article by Eric Reguly in the Globe and Mail newspaper. In his beef with Amazon Prime’s home-delivery service,

Fighting media ignorance (battle # 5,041) Read More »

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Final Reminder – The future of retail and e-commerce

Just a quick reminder that we are days away from our breakfast seminar on the future of retail and e-commerce. If you are interested, you need to register here fast. The speaker will be Diane Brisebois, President and CEO of the Retail Council of Canada. The council represents more than 44,000 retail establishments across Canada

Final Reminder – The future of retail and e-commerce Read More »

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Le problème du plastique favorisera-t-il le retour éventuel de la consigne en Ontario?

J’adore le poisson. Mais je n’aime pas tellement le plastique. Je me retrouve en bonne compagnie, semble-t-il, avec le premier ministre Justin Trudeau, qui a dit au récent Forum économique mondial que la question du plastique sera le thème central du Sommet des dirigeants du G7, qui aura lieu en juin dans la région de

Le problème du plastique favorisera-t-il le retour éventuel de la consigne en Ontario? Read More »

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