
Food scientist warns retailers that live bacteria on crates is like a “smoking gun”

A third independent scientific study has raised concerns about re-using plastic crates to deliver fresh produce to retailers. This time it’s from the Center for Food Safety at the University of Arkansas((The two earlier studies, by food scientists at the University of Guelph and the University of California (Davis), are referenced in a previous blog.)).

Food scientist warns retailers that live bacteria on crates is like a “smoking gun” Read More »

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It’s not as simple as re-use versus recycling

The battle between the corrugated box and the plastic crate industries for market share in the fresh produce sector has traditionally been fought on both economic and environmental grounds. These arguments will continue, although it’s unlikely that any peer-reviewed life cycle analysis will ever deliver a knock-out punch to either of the combatants. The box

It’s not as simple as re-use versus recycling Read More »


False and misleading claims removed from IFCO website

The North American paper packaging industry has served notice that it will challenge (legally, if necessary) any false and misleading claims about its operations and environmental impact. Case in point: major plastic crate supplier, IFCO. IFCO is lobbying North American grocery retailers to move away from the traditional corrugated box system of delivering fruit and

False and misleading claims removed from IFCO website Read More »

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State of Canada’s forests explained in one easy to understand graphic

The latest report on the state of Canada’s forests by the federal government department that’s charged with monitoring it (Natural Resources Canada) has a graphic that succinctly explains much of what PPEC has been writing about during the course of the year. The Deforestation Myth:  Most of the deforestation occurring in the world is happening

State of Canada’s forests explained in one easy to understand graphic Read More »

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FSC induit les Canadiens en erreur en ternissant l’image des emballages de papier

  Lettre ouverte à François Dufresne, président et chef de la direction de FSC Canada. Monsieur Dufresne, I recognize that FSC is in a three-way fight for market share in the forest and paper certification business, and that part of that fight is your recent launch of a new video plug for FSC aimed at the

FSC induit les Canadiens en erreur en ternissant l’image des emballages de papier Read More »

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