
L\’industrie du plastique fait des affirmations fausses à propos d\’une étude sur les sacs

L\’industrie canadienne du plastique embellit la crédibilité d\’une étude qui, selon elle, prouve que les sacs de plastique sont plus écologiques que les sacs de papier. Selon le site Web de l\’industrie, le ULS Report (2007) « a été produit conformément aux normes ISO 14040-14043, et a fait l\’objet d\’une revue par les pairs de la North

L\’industrie du plastique fait des affirmations fausses à propos d\’une étude sur les sacs Read More »

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The reports of paper’s death are greatly exaggerated

We frequently hear and see comments about paper “dying” or being supplanted by other materials. It’s not happening, or at least not happening in the way many people think. While the weight of paper entering Ontario homes, for example, fell by 8% between 2003 and 2014,(( PPEC analysis of Stewardship Ontario Blue Box data for 2003

The reports of paper’s death are greatly exaggerated Read More »

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Old European “life cycle’’ studies are of little use in Canadian bag wars

When the plastics industry promotes and widely circulates false and misleading claims about the environmental impact of paper bags in Canada we have an obligation to defend ourselves, and to ensure that Canadians get all the facts, not just some of them. What we find particularly offensive is the public parade of various European “life

Old European “life cycle’’ studies are of little use in Canadian bag wars Read More »

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Retailers urged to “follow the science” on sanitisation

The corrugated box industry is just fear-mongering about food safety, according to the reusable crate lobby, which has obviously been stung by the release of yet another study questioning whether, and how well, crates are being cleaned between uses. The latest study by Dr. Steven Ricke’s team at the Department of Food Science at the

Retailers urged to “follow the science” on sanitisation Read More »

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Getting the facts straight on packaging diversion in Canada

In the course of an otherwise interesting article on Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR), Tom Chervinsky makes a statistical boo-boo. See, I am mellowing. I didn’t call it package bashing. Chervinsky is certainly not the first, and won’t be the last, to play footsie with the facts. He starts out well, observing that the percentage of

Getting the facts straight on packaging diversion in Canada Read More »

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