Recycled Content

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Salmonella survives plastic crate washing test, transfers to fresh cucumber

A scientific study just published in the international peer-review journal, Food Control, poses some serious questions about the sanitation of the re-usable plastic crates (RPCs) sometimes used to distribute fresh produce to retailers. The study shows how Salmonella can become established on RPCs and survive the typical sanitation cycles that are applied to decontaminate the […]

Salmonella survives plastic crate washing test, transfers to fresh cucumber Read More »

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Brand owners sucked in by Canopy’s embarrassing boo-boos

Vancouver-based environmental group, Canopy, has launched a global campaign against paper packaging, claiming that three billion trees “disappear into packaging’’ every year leaving “a trail of deforestation, degraded forest systems, threatened species, and an increasingly volatile climate.” Strong words. But are they true? Not as far as Canada is concerned (and probably the US too).

Brand owners sucked in by Canopy’s embarrassing boo-boos Read More »

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Press Release – Most Canadian packaging board now 100% recycled content

Most of the paper packaging material made by Canadian mills today is 100% recycled content. Old corrugated boxes and cartons are collected from the back of factories and supermarkets; used paper from offices; and a wide range of paper material gathered and sorted from residential (Blue Box) programs across the country. It wasn’t always the

Press Release – Most Canadian packaging board now 100% recycled content Read More »


Most Canadian boxes, cartons now 100% recycled content

Most boxes and cartons manufactured in Canada are now 100% recycled content, made completely from old boxes and other used paper material collected from the back of factories, supermarkets, office buildings, or from residential Blue Box programs. Some 13 mills across Canada produce nothing but 100% recycled content board, according to PPEC’s latest Recycled Content

Most Canadian boxes, cartons now 100% recycled content Read More »

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