Author name: John Mullinder

Executive Director Paper & Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council (PPEC)

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The ‘worst performers’ in waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta

Three provinces lag significantly behind the others in solid waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. And what’s worse, their low diversion rates (ranging from between 16 and 18%) have not changed much over the last eight years, according to the latest data from Statistics Canada. The data measures the disposal and diversion of […]

The ‘worst performers’ in waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta Read More »

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Canada’s ‘middle performers’ in waste management: Quebec, New Brunswick, and Ontario

Three provinces sit in the middle of Canada’s waste disposal charts. But because two of them (Quebec and Ontario) together contain 60% of Canada’s population, they basically determine the country’s overall waste management performance. According to the latest Statistics Canada data, Quebecers, New Brunswickers and Ontarians ranked third, fourth and fifth-largest dumpers of waste of

Canada’s ‘middle performers’ in waste management: Quebec, New Brunswick, and Ontario Read More »

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British Columbians and Nova Scotians are Canada’s best recyclers

Nova Scotia might have the country’s highest diversion rate as a province (44%) but British Columbians recycle more as individuals. An analysis of the latest data from Statistics Canada shows that the average British Columbian diverted 377 kilograms of waste in 2016. That’s 60 kilograms more than the average Nova Scotian and twice as much

British Columbians and Nova Scotians are Canada’s best recyclers Read More »

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Fewer newspapers but more packaging in Ontario households

While the collective weight of Blue Box materials generated by Ontario households has not changed much over the last 15 years, the type of material that ends up there certainly has. Far fewer newspapers, for starters. Almost 136,000 tonnes fewer, according to a PPEC comparison of Stewardship Ontario generation data between 2003 and 2017. Magazines

Fewer newspapers but more packaging in Ontario households Read More »


Le taux de récupération des boîtes bleues diminue encore en Ontario, mais celui du papier se maintient

Le taux de récupération domestique des boîtes bleues de l’Ontario a encore diminué pour atteindre son niveau le plus bas depuis 2005. Selon Intendance Ontario, le taux de récupération de 2017 était de 61,3 %, en baisse de presque 2 % par rapport à l’année précédente. La cible provinciale est de 60 %. Près des

Le taux de récupération des boîtes bleues diminue encore en Ontario, mais celui du papier se maintient Read More »

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Ontario Blue Box recovery rate slips again, but paper’s steady

The recovery rate of Ontario’s residential Blue Box system has slipped again, to its lowest level since 2005. According to Stewardship Ontario, the 2017 recovery rate was 61.3 per cent, down almost two per cent on the previous year. The provincial target is 60 per cent. Almost three-quarters of what’s currently being recovered is paper

Ontario Blue Box recovery rate slips again, but paper’s steady Read More »


Bonnes et mauvaises nouvelles à propos de l’élimination des déchets

Les Canadiens jettent un peu plus de déchets qu’en 2002, mais étant donné que nous sommes plus nombreux qu’avant, la quantité de déchets jetés par personne a diminué de presque 8 % au cours de cette période. Il y a donc de bonnes et de mauvaises nouvelles en ce qui a trait à notre analyse des

Bonnes et mauvaises nouvelles à propos de l’élimination des déchets Read More »

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