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The ‘worst performers’ in waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta

April 12, 2019

Three provinces lag significantly behind the others in solid waste management in Canada: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, […]

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Canada’s ‘middle performers’ in waste management: Quebec, New Brunswick, and Ontario

March 27, 2019

Three provinces sit in the middle of Canada’s waste disposal charts. But because two of […]

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British Columbians and Nova Scotians are Canada’s best recyclers

March 14, 2019

Nova Scotia might have the country’s highest diversion rate as a province (44%) but British […]

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Canada’s waste diversion rate slowly inches higher

February 28, 2019

A diversion rate of 27% might not sound too impressive but it’s better than the […]

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Where\’s the garbage coming from?

February 19, 2019

Municipal politicians love to point to “industry” as the main contributor to Canada’s waste stream. […]

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How much forest does Canada have?

January 24, 2019

We start off big. Canada, after all, is the second-largest country in the world. But […]

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Fewer newspapers but more packaging in Ontario households

November 12, 2018

While the collective weight of Blue Box materials generated by Ontario households has not changed […]

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Le taux de récupération des boîtes bleues diminue encore en Ontario, mais celui du papier se maintient

October 25, 2018

Le taux de récupération domestique des boîtes bleues de l’Ontario a encore diminué pour atteindre […]

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Ontario Blue Box recovery rate slips again, but paper’s steady

October 25, 2018

The recovery rate of Ontario’s residential Blue Box system has slipped again, to its lowest […]

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Bonnes et mauvaises nouvelles à propos de l’élimination des déchets

October 11, 2018

Les Canadiens jettent un peu plus de déchets qu’en 2002, mais étant donné que nous […]

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Good news and bad news in dumping of waste

October 11, 2018

Canadians are dumping slightly more waste than they did back in 2002, but because there […]

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Environmental facts and fiction: what’s the real story?

September 26, 2018

Put a retailer, a brandowner, a sustainability expert, and an environmental advocate in the same […]

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