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Qu’ont en commun une cathédrale, un meuble et une bicyclette?

June 5, 2014

Le carton ondulé, bien entendu. Le joyau du centre historique de Christchurch, en Nouvelle-Zélande, une […]

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Great news on the corrugated life cycle front

June 4, 2014

The average US corrugated box has registered significant environmental improvements over a four-year period, according […]

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What do a cathedral, furniture, and a bicycle have in common?

May 29, 2014

Corrugated, of course. The gothic stone cathedral that was the centrepiece of Christchurch, New Zealand, […]

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More than a thousand new tree seedlings are planted every minute in Canada

May 13, 2014

In the time it takes you to read this sentence, 169 new tree seedlings will […]

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Plus de mille semis d’arbres par minute plantés au Canada

May 13, 2014

Pendant que vous lisez cette phrase, 169 semis d’arbres auront été plantés dans les exploitations forestières […]

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CCME’s false claims perpetuate packaging myths

April 17, 2014

We were recently invited by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) to […]

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CPIA LIFECYCLE 2014preface1

Stepping into the minefield of life cycle analysis (LCA)

April 7, 2014

A few months back we reported a critique of a comparative life cycle study commissioned […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Flash Infos – L’industrie contribue à détourner des sites d’enfouissement plus de 70 % des emballages

March 25, 2014
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News Flash! Over 70% of packaging is being re-used or recycled, most of it by industry

March 25, 2014

You hear it all the time from provincial and municipal politicians. “Industry” is dragging the […]

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Packaging Generation MOE vs PPEC1

There’s something fishy about Ontario’s packaging numbers

March 14, 2014

There’s a pie-chart in the Ontario Ministry of Environment’s Waste Reduction Strategy document that’s been […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Some really deep thoughts on the meaning of life, and paper

March 7, 2014

One of the interesting similarities between the life cycle of paper and that of the […]

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Oil and gas deforestation now three times that of forest industry

February 14, 2014

The oil boom in Western Canada is having a little publicised effect on the natural […]

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