Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

L\’avenir de l\’emballage en papier

August 12, 2015

Oui, l\’emballage en papier a de l\’avenir! Le CEEPC est heureux d\’annoncer qu\’une foule nombreuse […]

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The future of paper packaging

August 5, 2015

Yes, it has one! PPEC is pleased to announce the impressive line-up for its upcoming […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

“Plastic still the future,” according to Canadian Packaging magazine

July 8, 2015

The plastics industry is besieged on multiple fronts and widely depicted as the “archetypical eco-villain […]

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Most Canadian boxes, cartons now 100% recycled content

June 30, 2015

Most boxes and cartons manufactured in Canada are now 100% recycled content, made completely from […]

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Friends of PPEC, you are invited!

June 12, 2015

It’s party time! The industry’s environmental council turns 25 this year and wants to let […]

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BC’s new Blue Box program a good model of real EPR

May 19, 2015

British Columbia’s new full producer responsibility program for the Blue Box is getting a bad […]

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No good box should go to the dump!

April 20, 2015

The paper packaging industry wants old corrugated boxes banned from landfill. A couple of provinces […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Hors du dépotoir!

April 20, 2015

Le secteur de l’emballage de papier souhaite que les boîtes de carton ondulé soient bannies […]

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Trouvailles sous le couvercle

April 9, 2015

Des études récentes ont fait état de l’impressionnant gaspillage de nourriture qui se fait tant […]

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Why do we junk so much good stuff?

April 9, 2015

Recent studies have highlighted how much food we waste (both in preparation and in the […]

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Le programme des boîtes bleues récupère 80 % du papier résidentiel

April 2, 2015

Le tout premier système de collecte de matières recyclables au monde a été lancé en […]

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Blue Box great for household paper: almost 80% recovered

March 23, 2015

The world’s first Blue Box system was launched in Ontario over 30 years ago, went […]

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