Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Mal placé pour parler?

January 12, 2016

Le week-end dernier, la une du Toronto Star critiquait vertement Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS), l’organisme […]

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The more plastics you add to Ontario’s Blue Box, the more it costs

December 10, 2015

It’s easy to describe plastics as the problem child of the Ontario Blue Box. Just […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Les détaillants sont invités à « se fier aux données scientifiques » sur l\’assainissement

November 11, 2015

L\’industrie du carton ondulé tiendrait des propos alarmistes sur la salubrité des aliments, selon le […]

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Retailers urged to “follow the science” on sanitisation

November 11, 2015

The corrugated box industry is just fear-mongering about food safety, according to the reusable crate […]

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Getting the facts straight on packaging diversion in Canada

November 6, 2015

In the course of an otherwise interesting article on Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR), Tom Chervinsky […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Un détaillant laisse le choix de l\’emballage aux producteurs

November 6, 2015

Un important détaillant de produits alimentaires du Canada a décidé de laisser le libre choix […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Le CEEPC célèbre son 25e anniversaire de façon mémorable

November 2, 2015

En plus de sabrer le champagne et de s\’attaquer au gâteau, les membres et les […]

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PPEC celebrates its 25th anniversary in style

November 2, 2015

Apart from breaking out the bubbly and destroying a cake, PPEC members and friends celebrated […]

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Industry well on the way to solving the waxed box issue

October 16, 2015

Although relatively few corrugated boxes have wax applied to them (about 3% of all corrugated […]

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We don’t cut down trees just because paper is in the landfill

October 7, 2015

A slide shown at the Conference on Canadian Stewardship in Banff last week claimed a […]

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Key decisions looming on Canada’s Blue Box EPR programs

August 31, 2015

North America’s first full producer responsibility EPR program for the Blue Box has been running […]

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Meeting the demand for simple, concise factsheets

August 20, 2015

Anyone who has had anything to do with websites knows that they are much like […]

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