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The history of paper packaging in Canada

November 7, 2016

Interesting to look back sometimes. Here is my contribution to a recent book on 100 years […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Le lobby du plastique raconte des salades et continue à discréditer les sacs de papier

October 17, 2016

En voilà un beau mensonge ! Le lobby du plastique tente de nous faire croire que […]

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Plastic lobby tells a big whopper, continues to smear paper bags

October 4, 2016

As whoppers go, this is a big one. The plastics lobby wants you to believe […]

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Packaging is the villain again (sigh)

September 12, 2016

There is no doubt that some goods are over-packaged and that more can be done […]

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Dick Staite: former PPEC director and “interim” chair

August 10, 2016

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Dick Staite, a former […]

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Did you know that more adult diapers are now sold in Nova Scotia than baby diapers?

August 2, 2016

This is not a knock on Nova Scotia, simply pointing out that aging baby boomers […]

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Paper recycling represents 40% of Canada’s waste diversion

July 13, 2016

A recent Statistics Canada report on household e-waste reveals some interesting diversion data on other […]

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Something really fishy about plastic crate study

June 14, 2016

The battle between the corrugated box and the plastic crate industries for share of the […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

Les hypothèses sur le contenu recyclé des fournisseurs de caisses de plastique soulèvent des doutes

May 17, 2016

          POUR PUBLICATION IMMÉDIATE   CONTACT : Rachel Kenyon (847) 364-9600, Cheryl Reynhout […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

L\’industrie du plastique retire en silence ses fausses affirmations sur les sacs

May 17, 2016

L\’industrie canadienne du plastique a retiré sans faire de bruit deux des fausses affirmations sur […]

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Something fishy about crate supplier’s recycled content assumptions

May 10, 2016

        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rachel Kenyon (847) 364-9600, Cheryl Reynhout (401) […]

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Plastics industry quietly removes false bag claims

May 4, 2016

The Canadian plastics industry has quietly deleted a couple of the false claims it was […]

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