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Ontario Blue Box recovery rate slips, but paper steady

November 9, 2017

The reported recovery rate of Ontario’s residential Blue Box system has fallen to its lowest […]

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Recycled content must be recognised in setting circular economy targets

October 19, 2017

The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) is in the process of considering […]

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Les cibles de l’économie circulaire doivent tenir compte du contenu en matières recyclées

October 19, 2017

Le ministère ontarien de l’Environnement et de l’Action en matière de changement climatique (MEACC) se […]

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The big “hurry up” on the Blue Box in case the Liberals lose

August 31, 2017

When Ontario released the final version of its waste strategy six months ago, dealing with […]

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La grande course préélectorale sur le thème des boîtes bleues

August 31, 2017

Lorsque l’Ontario a fait paraître il y a six mois la version définitive de sa […]

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Circular Economy or spinning our wheels?

August 15, 2017

The Circular Economy (CE to some) has become something of a buzzword of late, just […]

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L’économie circulaire, une roue qui tourne à vide?

August 15, 2017

L’économie circulaire est à la mode ces temps-ci, comme l’ont été avant elle le développement […]

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China doesn’t want the world’s garbage any more

July 26, 2017

And who can blame them? For years, the world has been shipping all sorts of […]

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La Chine ne veut plus être la poubelle du monde

July 26, 2017

Comment pourrait-on blâmer les Chinois? Depuis des années, le monde entier envoie toutes sortes de […]

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The “humble brown box” just got better!

July 5, 2017

We know it mainly as the brown shipping box, although it also comes in various […]

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Website Blog Images 2024 Year ahead (January 2024)

L\’« humble boîte de carton » s\’améliore!

July 5, 2017

Nous la connaissons principalement comme la boîte d\’expédition en carton ondulé, même si elle vient […]

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Paper recycling important but uneven across Canada

June 15, 2017

Paper recycling continues to dominate Canada’s waste diversion efforts, representing almost 40% of total material […]

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