Author name: John Mullinder

Executive Director Paper & Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council (PPEC)

CPIA LIFECYCLE 2014preface1

Stepping into the minefield of life cycle analysis (LCA)

A few months back we reported a critique of a comparative life cycle study commissioned by reusable plastic crate company, IFCO, which is trying to displace its competitor product, the corrugated box, from the fresh produce market (blog July, 2013). IFCO’s LCA was roundly criticised by our US colleagues (who are about to release their […]

Stepping into the minefield of life cycle analysis (LCA) Read More »

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News Flash! Over 70% of packaging is being re-used or recycled, most of it by industry

You hear it all the time from provincial and municipal politicians. “Industry” is dragging the chain on waste diversion, lagging way behind municipal efforts. This politically charged claim may be true for some waste streams, we don’t know. But there’s strong evidence that it’s certainly not true when it comes to packaging. Packaging is one

News Flash! Over 70% of packaging is being re-used or recycled, most of it by industry Read More »

Packaging Generation MOE vs PPEC1

There’s something fishy about Ontario’s packaging numbers

There’s a pie-chart in the Ontario Ministry of Environment’s Waste Reduction Strategy document that’s been bugging us for several months now, and although we’ve tried to get an explanation from the MOE both verbally and in writing, we have received nothing to date[1].       The pie-chart is titled “Ontario’s Waste Stream” and claims that

There’s something fishy about Ontario’s packaging numbers Read More »

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Oil and gas deforestation now three times that of forest industry

The oil boom in Western Canada is having a little publicised effect on the natural environment: deforestation. As we pointed out in a blog[1] back in August last year, the extraction of oil and gas (the raw materials from which plastics are derived) is responsible for more than double the deforestation in Canada than the forest

Oil and gas deforestation now three times that of forest industry Read More »

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Les projets pétroliers et gaziers causent trois fois plus de déboisement que l’industrie forestière

  En plein essor, les projets pétroliers de l’Ouest canadien ont un impact environnemental dont on parle peu : le déboisement. Dans notre blogue du mois d’août 2013[1], nous écrivions qu’au Canada, l’exploitation du pétrole et du gaz (les matières brutes dont les plastiques sont dérivés) cause un déboisement deux fois supérieur à celui de l’industrie

Les projets pétroliers et gaziers causent trois fois plus de déboisement que l’industrie forestière Read More »


Clarifying some of the confusion over “recyclability”

Here’s our shot at trying to clarify some of the evident confusion about recyclability. Technically Recyclable: The great majority of printed paper and packaging ending up in Canadian homes is perfectly recyclable.  A small minority of materials do cause some technical and cost problems at the processing stage, however. Sometimes this is because of ignorance

Clarifying some of the confusion over “recyclability” Read More »

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Il y a un éléphant dans la pièce

La politique de la gestion des déchets est un sujet chaud en ce moment alors que diverses provinces se débattent avec l\’introduction ou la modification de ce qu\’elles appellent la « responsabilité élargie des producteurs », ou les programmes de REP, au sujet du papier imprimé et de l\’emballage résidentiels.  Le véritable éléphant dans la pièce, toutefois, est

Il y a un éléphant dans la pièce Read More »

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